Showing posts with label Dragon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragon. Show all posts

Sunday, January 30, 2011


World Shaking is an attack by Sailor Uranus in the maga comics and anime Sailor Moon. In mythology, Uranus is God of Sky and Speed, he also rules Aquarius, the Water Bearer, and that is also my Zodiac sign, which means my birthday is near. What I love about this picture? The awesome dragon wings, make me feel powerful (lol). I also like the shining star, supposed to be a planet in Uranus's attack, but oh well, it's awesome too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As God of Ocean and Dream, Deep Submerge is an attack of Sailor Neptune in the manga comics and anime Sailor Moon. I think she's the most beautiful Sailor Senshi. When I was trying to give this picture a life, it was exciting to see how all the elements in the photo could work together that perfectly. Since water is my most favorite element, I put all my heart in this. What is cool is the dragon wings happens to blend in and mix with the rising water, makes it look like 2 big huge wings. I know this looks like a work I've have done in the past, but in much more details and cool stuffs. :)

Friday, October 15, 2010


Moonlight Hallow gave me so much trouble, it took me days and hours to accomplish. Not to mention the lightning and props but the way how I express myself. It is quite a new experience for me because now I am able to fuse everything together in one. I feel a little bit more proud of myself.This is also a good picture for Halloween! Also this piece was inspired by a gay artist name Ari Gold.


It is easy to be distracted and pulled in different directions by external factors when we are constantly surrounded by society. To find and...