Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2023


The moon is my most favorite feature of the night, it has been a big inspiration for so many great  arts and music as well as cultural beliefs concepts, not to mention its diversity of colors and shapes keep our lives intersting.

Friday, October 8, 2021


Night time inspires many thing, it can enhance you physically and spiritually, and helps bringing forth different sensations in your body and mind. It 's my favorite time of the day, when darkness falls, the moon comes out and shines its beautiful light on the things around us and can enhance our mood.

Friday, May 28, 2021


Life is like a river, sometimes it is fast, other times it is slow, then at some parts it flows slowly while mixed up with fast paces.

Friday, January 8, 2021



Darkness and lightness always go together, and one can not exist without the other, the same with bad things and good things. In order for us to see the light, we have to go through the dark, thus we can only enjoy and appreciate the good things in life when we experience the bad ones.

Friday, October 9, 2020


When the moon gets high in the sky and the darkness falls, the night creatures come out and play. Nighttime is my favorite time of the day, it's mysterious, tranquil and majestic, it can drive our minds wild and it holds many things we don't know but excited to find out.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Purple is a very desirable color, it is mystical, spiritual and mysterious just like the moon itself. I know there is no purple moon on a purple night in our world, but it exists in my creative mind, and creativity is another characteristic of the color purple.

Friday, June 30, 2017


Like the moon, everybody has a dark side, but it doesn't mean that dark side has to define who you are, and it doesn't have to be bad. After all, you won't be complete if you only have your bright side without your dark side.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Sometimes in order to gain inside knowledge and strength. This is how you can explore your inner emotions and find a piece of yourself that you can not find while you are surrounded by other existences. Like an owl in the night, a solitary kind of animal, they never feel alone.

Monday, May 15, 2017


When the sun goes down and the night comes, it is not the end of the day,m it's the beginning of a whole different world. The night is young and so is the soul of a night creature.

Monday, September 21, 2015


We are about to approach the last Blood Moon that will happen in Sep 27-28 , and this will complete the lunar tetrad since last year. Throughout history, Blood Moon has been believed as a sign of something good about to happen, whether it's Blood Moon or regular white moon everyday, always hope for the better!

Monday, August 4, 2014


One thing human can't stop doing is thinking, about anything, life, hope, memories, the past, the present, and the future. The brain never shuts down till the day we die, and it is probably the greatest power of all. It is also the most difficult thing to train but the most rewarding. This is where your life begins, and also where it ends, this is not a tool, but a resource. Your brain is you and you are your brain.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Heaven opens up to those who believe in it. It is not where things end or begin, it's where things become clear. Everyday I dream of heaven, when will I find it, where and how. Fears, uninvited thoughts, mixed up emotions, uncertainty haunt me. I take a step forward to the ladder then take a step back...I don't know where to begin, how far and how high I can go, the clouds blind my steps as I walk up the heaven stair case, and I trip and fall. Though heaven is out of my reach but it is always a part of my dream, and always in my heart. Then I find heaven is to find me, to reach for heaven is to reach for me, I am my heaven!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Once in a Blue Moon, kind of like once in a lifetime, something great happens, something special, like a one of a kind occasion. When it happens, it is meant to be, something you can't find on regular basis, it's a celebration for a lifetime. The uniqueness of the magical Blue Moon can only be seen by those who believe in happiness and miracles, when they are in touch of the magical unknown. Celebrate your Blue Moon with all your heart and soul, and you will see the magic happen. It can be any kind of celebration that you believe, your birthday, your special day, any day. =]

Friday, October 18, 2013


On Halloween Night, dark creatures come out and play, casting their dark shadows on everything that they pass on their paths. The unknown spirits of the unknown world become alive and you can see them every where, every moment in every expression. This is the time when you don't have to be yourself, like a dark shadow, you can blend into anything you want, be un-self for one night, and be free as eternity, be what you wanna be and be transpired!

Monday, December 31, 2012


Happy New Year everybody, I hope the new year will bring us better things in life or better yet, the best of the best. This is the time that we look back to the previous year to see the progress of our life, what has been lost, what has been gained, and what have we changed. We also thank for all the possibilities that have been given to us and make the best out of them for the upcoming year. This is also the time for opening up another chapter and look ahead to the future as we walk down the timeline of our history. It’s new year, new hope, new goal, new dream, new direction, new attitude, new you, new moon.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The spooky Spirit of Halloween is not only besides the living of the dead but also the dead of the living. It seems like the middle line becomes a blur when people cross the other side of the world. The two worlds blending together and makes such a master of art that you can not even realize which is which. This life is full of unexpected psychological traps. Once the brains of people go numb and shut down, even on their feet, they lose their souls and the only thing that they carry around is their soulless bodies and mindless heads. And sometimes, you might not know the one who stands next to you could be a zombie or a mummy, or who knows it could be you!?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


One of the fun things on Halloween is pumpkin carving. The tradition of carving a pumpkin started in Scotland and Ireland where it was traditionally carved from a turnip, and in England where a beet was used.The monstrous faces carved on the pumpkin represents the spirits or souls of the unknown. Like a mask, you see only what is outside, but not actually what is behind it. The connection between what we see and what we don't see is a blur, and this represents the unknown world.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Gargoyles were derived from France, they were used in French architecture and also become very popular today in many outdoor decoration, especially garden. Gargoyles are symbolized as the guardians of protection,especially against evils and negative matters. The variation of gargoyles become various as each decade started, and of course, I like the one with wings =].

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think I'm more attracted to the moon than the sun, it's mysterious, sometimes ghost. The moon plays an important role to the Earth's tide. Everytime the full moon is close to Earth, it rises the water level such as ocean and lakes.  People believe that the moon control wolfes, some said that it also controls human mood, especially full moon. If you have a chance to go to rural areas far away from the city lights, you can see how bright the moon light could be. It's super romantic to watch the moon on a balcony at night (lol).

Self Rediscovery

Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...