Showing posts with label Thunder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thunder. Show all posts

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Sometimes in order to gain inside knowledge and strength. This is how you can explore your inner emotions and find a piece of yourself that you can not find while you are surrounded by other existences. Like an owl in the night, a solitary kind of animal, they never feel alone.

Monday, May 15, 2017


When the sun goes down and the night comes, it is not the end of the day,m it's the beginning of a whole different world. The night is young and so is the soul of a night creature.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Sometimes in life it's hard for people to see the sparks of energy that you got, because it's simply hidden. It's like electric, it's not exposed outward, but you know it's there. Even though it's hidden, it got to expose somehow, and sometimes could be at the most unexpected moments of all. The more you charge, the higher voltage it can be, and it can also naturally sparkle with no force. And yes, it could be hard to control too, but it dose not mean it's impossible to master it, time is all that you need, and more charging.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Oak Evolution is the third attack by Sailor Jupiter from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. She is the God of Thunder and Plant, and the color green is her color code. Green is my favorite color as well =]. In her previous attacks she used thunder, but in this one she use plants. Her 2 previous attacks were Sparkling Pressure and Supreme Thunder.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Silence Glaive Surprise is a deadly attack of Sailor Saturn, the God Destruction and Revolution in the manga and anime Sailor Moon. When she uses this attack, she will die also, that's why she was named as the God of Destruction, she was born to die. The only time in the anime that she uses this attack was to kill the Dark Queen but was stopped by Sailor Chibi Moon. The staff that I'm holding is her Silence Glaive.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Sparkling Wide Pressure is the second attack of Sailor Jupiter, the God of Thunder and Plant from the manga and anime Sailor Moon. Her previous attack was Supreme Thunder, and this one is stronger than that one since she transforms in to second transformation. What I love about this photo? Obviously the sparkly thunder clap in my hands (lol). And I love the green color too :D.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Judas' Cannibal was first inspired by the song of Ke$ha ~ Cannibal, then through the whole process it added a few touch of the cover by Lady Gaga ~ Judas. It;s a weird combination but somewhat elated. I love the blood stained wings and the hands in the back. And honestly I;m not a fan of Judas...but for cannibal, it's time for some meat, RAWR!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I got the idea of this in my Chemistry class. We learned about a bunch of energy and heat transfer ideas and theories, like enthalpy, entropy and other stuffs. I'm really interest in how heats and energy behave in this world. I think that fire is one of the most interesting thing, especially blue fire. And why did I choose Eccentric? Because that is my personality (lol).

Sunday, January 30, 2011


World Shaking is an attack by Sailor Uranus in the maga comics and anime Sailor Moon. In mythology, Uranus is God of Sky and Speed, he also rules Aquarius, the Water Bearer, and that is also my Zodiac sign, which means my birthday is near. What I love about this picture? The awesome dragon wings, make me feel powerful (lol). I also like the shining star, supposed to be a planet in Uranus's attack, but oh well, it's awesome too.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Supreme Thunder is the first attack used by Sailor Jupiter in the manga comics and anime Sailor Moon. She is God of Thunder and Plant.This was praised to be her strongest attack. Since green is her color, all of her attacks contain green lights and stuffs. Green is also my most favorite color too. What I like about this photo is the mighty thunder goes round my head, I almost thought it was a halo (lol). I would like to dedicate this picture to someone special who is really a big fan of Jupiter! =]

Self Rediscovery

Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...