Showing posts with label Dark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2021


Being alone is not the same as being lonely. Solitude is peaceful, you can feel the freedom it brings, and it's one of the moments you can savor. When you're in solitude, you can get in touch with your inner self and also can do some soul searching.

Monday, April 19, 2021


 It is always good to look at the bright side of a situation to gain your positive perspective from it. Remember, the darker the dark, the brighter the light.

Saturday, February 27, 2021


 Tunnel usually represents a passage from one phase of life to another, it is not always bright, but you gotta go through the dark to be able to see the light. Tunnel  also represents a journey in life, from beginning to end, you got to go through all life's events to learn about who you really are.


 Our minds never stop thinking, even when we are not realizing it, thoughts still flowing unconsciously. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with all these thoughts till the point we get lost on them, resulting us getting stuck in our own worlds. Why not let those thoughts be heard instead of being stuck in silent? After all, the more we over think, the more complicated things get.

Friday, February 19, 2021



In life, sometimes you may feel you are stuck in a dark cave with no way out, but if you can find a way in,  you also can find a way out! Things happen for a reason and there is nothing that is given to us that we can't handle, sooner or later we can find our way out and that is how we learn our valuable lessons life gives us.

Friday, January 8, 2021



Darkness and lightness always go together, and one can not exist without the other, the same with bad things and good things. In order for us to see the light, we have to go through the dark, thus we can only enjoy and appreciate the good things in life when we experience the bad ones.

Friday, October 9, 2020


When the moon gets high in the sky and the darkness falls, the night creatures come out and play. Nighttime is my favorite time of the day, it's mysterious, tranquil and majestic, it can drive our minds wild and it holds many things we don't know but excited to find out.


 Silence is deadly, and the power of deadly silence is just as strong as the intensity of the color red, and it will be even deadlier when turned into actions.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Purple is a very desirable color, it is mystical, spiritual and mysterious just like the moon itself. I know there is no purple moon on a purple night in our world, but it exists in my creative mind, and creativity is another characteristic of the color purple.



The mysterious purple has been growing on me for the recent years. It is the combination of fierce red and calming blue, the balance of hot and cold. Purple is associated with many things, one of which is creativity and that is the quality that I like to have as an inspiration for many things in life.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


This photo was inspired by the music video of Lindsey Stirling - First Light. Sometimes when you are stuck in the dark andI you can't find any light around, you have to be the light yourself, and that comes from the inside. By glowing in the dark, you then can shine your light on others and help them to get through their darkness as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


In order to see the light you have to look for it in the dark. In order to come out on the bright side you have to work through the dark side. Both sides complete who you are, just like your bad side and your good side, if you want to br better, you have to accept your flaws. And also through the black and white you will find some colors.

Friday, July 19, 2019


When the quiet night time comes, you can hear more of the sounds of your surrounding echoeing around you.  

Friday, June 30, 2017


Like the moon, everybody has a dark side, but it doesn't mean that dark side has to define who you are, and it doesn't have to be bad. After all, you won't be complete if you only have your bright side without your dark side.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


No matter how much we are hiding, our faces don't lie, especially our eyes, because they are the windows to our souls. And doesn't matter what kind of face that we show to the world, we will always see our own true faces when we are alone.

Monday, April 27, 2015


At some point the darker the dark the lighter the light! If there's no dark then there won't be no light, so before you see the light, you got to deal with the dark, and new beginning begins when the light shows. There is always time for a new start, so don't feel that you're running out of time, there is hope for everything, so don't feel hopeless.

kazaky symphony 404

Monday, September 1, 2014


They say we are all sinners, we were born into this world, live this life and die this death, where we go after ward we don't know, and some people don't care, it's just infinity. The one thing is we can't stop living, that's just that, there are things that pull us down, but we can't let go of this life forever, have to keep going, can not be afraid of what will be happening, of what life throws at us, of what people say or think, of when death might come. And if people tell me I will go to hell, hey, let's enjoy the highway to hell then.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


This is for my left over collection of my Halloween photo series of this year (lol). Ironically, it was made way before Halloween, I was thinking to release it this year but didn't have time, then I thought I might save it for next year, but that will be too long so I guess post it now as an late extra one (lol). This photo was inspired front he music video In The Dark by Dev, really nice concept. This pic also features all of my rings that I have (lol).

Friday, May 20, 2011


Red moon, bloody moon, dead moon, were all I think about when I look at this photo. One of the symbols of this moon is death, pain and agony. One time I went to the beach at night and watched the moon rise, and when the moon came up from the horizon, it was really red, and I thought it was Mars. But then I learned the red color of the moon is caused by the pollution of the earth.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Judas' Cannibal was first inspired by the song of Ke$ha ~ Cannibal, then through the whole process it added a few touch of the cover by Lady Gaga ~ Judas. It;s a weird combination but somewhat elated. I love the blood stained wings and the hands in the back. And honestly I;m not a fan of Judas...but for cannibal, it's time for some meat, RAWR!


The complexities of life often present us with two sides of the same coin. To fully grasp the opposing view, it is essential to recognize th...