This is for my left over collection of my Halloween photo series of this year (lol). Ironically, it was made way before Halloween, I was thinking to release it this year but didn't have time, then I thought I might save it for next year, but that will be too long so I guess post it now as an late extra one (lol). This photo was inspired front he music video In The Dark by Dev, really nice concept. This pic also features all of my rings that I have (lol).
Self Rediscovery
Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...

Shabon Spray is one of my favorite works recently. This is the first attack of Sailor Mercury in the manga comics and anime Sailor Moon ...
Flame Sniper is the official opening photo of my Sailor Moon Series No.3. This is the strongest attack of Sailor Mars , the God of Fire a...
Sparkling Wide Pressure is the second attack of Sailor Jupiter , the God of Thunder and Plant from the manga and anime Sailor Moon . Her...