Tuesday, August 30, 2022


I like to be surrounded by nature and light and it makes me feel relaxed especially with the mystical feels, sometimes life could be so hectic you need to feed yourself with things that relax your body and soul.

Monday, August 15, 2022


Nobody wants to be put in a glass box, but living in this society doesn't give us much choice, everything is followed by stigma, stereotype and it feels sometimes we were born to not live up to our full potential. So the question now is, will you decide to stay caged in? Or will you defy the written rules and break free?


Always stay focus and keep an eye on your goal, the path might be difficult with dark times but there is light at the end of the tunnel.


This hell is better with you and that makes two. While we try to enjoy this life we live in, many people try to bring us down for whatever reason in their minds, they say we will go to hell for being who we are but this is already a hell we live in. All we can do is continue doing what we do and be who we are, because at the end of the day that was what we are born to do.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to work for it. The important thing is not to lose sight on the obstacles that you have to face or you will lose yourself in the illusion of something that is not there.


Life is full with obstacles, but it's important to keep moving ahead despites with all the challenges you face. Through these hardships, you learn new ways to overcome them so it will be a less of a challenge if you have to face them again in the future.


Saturday, June 11, 2022


 These are the short clips of all the 12 songs from my album Awaken Soul. This album was inspired by the events hapenning around me during the time I was creating this album through out last year.

Self Rediscovery

Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...