Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The spooky Spirit of Halloween is not only besides the living of the dead but also the dead of the living. It seems like the middle line becomes a blur when people cross the other side of the world. The two worlds blending together and makes such a master of art that you can not even realize which is which. This life is full of unexpected psychological traps. Once the brains of people go numb and shut down, even on their feet, they lose their souls and the only thing that they carry around is their soulless bodies and mindless heads. And sometimes, you might not know the one who stands next to you could be a zombie or a mummy, or who knows it could be you!?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


One of the fun things on Halloween is pumpkin carving. The tradition of carving a pumpkin started in Scotland and Ireland where it was traditionally carved from a turnip, and in England where a beet was used.The monstrous faces carved on the pumpkin represents the spirits or souls of the unknown. Like a mask, you see only what is outside, but not actually what is behind it. The connection between what we see and what we don't see is a blur, and this represents the unknown world.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This photo was inspired by the music videos of Jesse J ~ Laserlight and Ellie Goulding ~ Lights.As we know, lights are the main source of vision when you really need to look at something more clearly with more in depth details and meaning. Lights also play an important in expressing colorful emotions, such as the rainbow. The light spectrum branch into many varieties of colors and each color has its own meaning and emotion. Lights are lively, rainbow lights are vibrant, and the dark even makes it more attractive than ever.

Friday, September 21, 2012


In life, sometimes you have to deal with things that give you the irritating feelings which can build up inside you over a period of time. Since everything has limits, including yourself, the final blast of anger can explode like a volcano. It's better to let out your thoughts and emotion whenever needed rather than burden them inside, because it will eat you alive and when you can't stand it anymore, your anger will burst in flame. Of course life is a bitch, but you can turn it into a reason for striving and forthcoming and seeking for meanings. When things get tough, don't let your anger over rules you, turn it into a driving force for success!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


You never know the real strength of a person when they hit the weakest point! And you also never know the real strength of a person if you don't spare the time to let them be who they are and show their real strength. Ever though a bamboos are empty in the  inside, they are strong and tough on the outside. Just like a bamboo, a person may be weak inside, but they won't let their weaknesses get to the outside, therefore demonstrating themselves as a tough bamboo. In life, in order to be strong like a bamboo, you have to accept your weakness and fears. you have to be true to who you are. There are time you break, but like a bamboo, grow your strength like new young bamboos shooting up from the ground, and you'll be strong.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Gargoyles were derived from France, they were used in French architecture and also become very popular today in many outdoor decoration, especially garden. Gargoyles are symbolized as the guardians of protection,especially against evils and negative matters. The variation of gargoyles become various as each decade started, and of course, I like the one with wings =].

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Pyramids are one of the most fascinating subject which hold many mysteries that we haven't known about. Many pyramidologists have been working on finding out their connection to the world, and the meanings lying inside these thick walls. The truth vs. the myth of pyramids are still an ongoing discussion among the researchers today. According to pyramidology, many theories and scientific hypothesis were created to support many different perspectives of human kind. One interesting I found is, the eye in a pyramid is not the eye of provinces, or the all-seeing eye, comparing to the eye in a triangle, which is the symbol of Illuminati.


The complexities of life often present us with two sides of the same coin. To fully grasp the opposing view, it is essential to recognize th...