Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Late-night Automatic was inspired by the song by Kevin Rudolf ~ Late Night Automatic. I haven't done a city photo for  along time. I just simply like the city view, where all the street lights and lights from building light up the mid night. I'm a city boy so I just love to live in big city with lots of tall buildings, and I like to go out at night when all the lights are on.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Spring is the hopeful season, it's where every new beginning gets started. Just let go of all your past and look forward t the future, so don;t hold your breath but let out your hope. Like a new seed, it will burst and bud into new life. I have never done a butterfly photo before, but since this is spring, I think it's a good occasion for it, though I don't like butterfly wings at all (lol).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Sometimes in life you feel like your soul is locked in a prison, but nobody knows about it because you can hide it so well on your face. You never close your eyes, you never sleep at night, and you don't know why, you just feel trapped and dead inside that prison. I guess everyone of us has a prison inside, and there's a freak that lives inside, and the only person who knows about this is yourself.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Fire-the heat vs. water-the cool, one of the most interesting combination. Even though these two substances have opposite characteristics, they can become unity when combine together. One of the photo was done earlier, HYDRO PYRO, but it wasn't highlighting the true mix of water and fire, but this one is more fascinating. In life,things and people can be at different poles at different times and this can confuse you, so just take a step back and not to get yourself too deep into those situations.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Just a photo a long time ago, it was a surprise photo shoot, because I was bored (lol).  But now I think it looks kinda nice. I like the pier anyways,, it's really relaxing, as well as romantic on full moon nights. There's a pier at the beach of my city, where I like to go to everytime I go to that beach. I like the ocean, so vast , plus the endless stretching of the horizon, can really free my mind :).

Monday, March 21, 2011


Born Free was inspired by the video music of Lady Gaga ~ Born This Way. In this universe, we were all born like stars, we have the choices to shine our lights. Each one of us has our own shine that contributes to the whole variety of the world. It's too bad that we don;t have wings, but that doesn't mean we can not have freedom. So if you are born this way, you are born free, free of being who you are, and let out your shines!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Mic Zone was strongly influenced by the music video of Britney Spears ~ Hold It Against Me! This is one of the great music vids lately, and I'm also a big fan of her. Well, I gotta say that sometimes in life people don;t care to listen to our opinions so we don;t have that many chances to let out what's in your head. So say what you want to say, don't wait for perfect moment because it might not come around. 


The complexities of life often present us with two sides of the same coin. To fully grasp the opposing view, it is essential to recognize th...