Showing posts with label Wings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wings. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think I'm more attracted to the moon than the sun, it's mysterious, sometimes ghost. The moon plays an important role to the Earth's tide. Everytime the full moon is close to Earth, it rises the water level such as ocean and lakes.  People believe that the moon control wolfes, some said that it also controls human mood, especially full moon. If you have a chance to go to rural areas far away from the city lights, you can see how bright the moon light could be. It's super romantic to watch the moon on a balcony at night (lol).

Saturday, May 12, 2012


In life, in order to overcome your fear you have to face it! You c turn it from something scary into something pleasureful and easy to tackle with. Sometimes it might not s bad s you think. The more you face it the better you'll win it. I think that sometimes you have to walk with your eyes close and just keep walking until you reach your destination. By the way I love white animal, especially white fierce tigers, if you know how to train them well you won't have to be feared bout them.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


 Sometimes it's hard to deal with our life that the deepest part of our inside is firing like the core of the galaxy. It's boiling and ready to shoot out at anything and anybody that standing on our way. As human it's not easy to hide your feeling and if you don't find a way to let them out, you'll explode like a volcano. It's better to say what you want to say and say how you feel, directly at the source of your irritation. Say it out loud.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I like spikes and things with that kind of shape because they look fierce, keen and sharp. I also like dark night photos because they look mysterious. I just feel attracted to these elements and I don't think that they are that dangerous (lol). Purple is also a very mysterious color that is undefined in the vast infinity of the universe. It consists the power of mystified darkness that contains fascinating lights inside.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


An inspiration from my Physic class. Plasma is the fourth state of matter beside solid, liquid and gas. In order for it to occur, very high temperature has to be created. I think it is the coolest state of matter because it is very interesting and somewhat exotically mysterious. Your body also contain plasma, for example, the electricity concurrent running throughout the entire of your body, or your blood plasma.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Zero Gravity was inspired by the music video of Kerli ~ Zero Gravity. There are times in life that we have to let go of the things that pull us down and leave behind all the worries and fears in order to progress to the future. It is nice grow wings and able to fly away or escape this reality, but the reason we don't have wings like birds because we don't have faith like they do. But sometimes we feel weightless when we find something or someone that free us from all these weights and it is not easy to do so.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I love plant and the lives of them. I also go crazy for the color green, the color of nature and soothing feeling rush over me when I stare and it. I love to surround myself with Mother Nature. I feel so relax and and at peace. I also think that is is another way to escape this reality world, drown myself into the greenery and forget about what's going on.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Lately I've been very into aquarium and things related to that. It is very relaxing to be in one, I always wonder how it feels like to jump into an aquarium and swim along the fish and coral and other pretty things. I'm sure it will be very relaxing and soothing in that kind of mystical and magical world, especially an underwater world!

Monday, March 5, 2012


I'm sure a lot of us at least once imagine that we have the power to control the whole world, or at least just to feel how it's like. The universe is a mysterious and vast place out there, where all the possible and impossible matters could arrive. I think it's cool how we are just a small part of it, and there are so many things to explore!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I just realize how attractive the red color is. It is not my favorite color but it is really catchy in some kind of way that I can't explain. Velvet sky is beautiful, looking mighty and graceful soaring across the open air.This photo was originally made for a friend of mien and she is one of my inspirations. I think it will be cool that we both have the same photo, and yeah, different color (lol).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Descending Dragon Bay is a very beautiful place in my country, Vietnam. It is also in the contest of the new World's Wonder. In the folk tale, this place was where a dragon flying down from the sky. The place has many huge rocks in different shape and figures, it is a very attractive sight from tourists. You can also sail boat around the rocks, and walk into the caves with colorful lights.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!! This is the day to show love not only to your lover but to all of your loved ones, including family and relatives as well. One of the symbolic colors of Valentine's Day is red, the color of passion. The symbolic flower for this loving day is red rose, which represents deep romance. Chocolate is also another thing to give, it shows sweetness and caring. And I wish you lots of love, no matter if you're single, couple or triple out there. =]

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Rainbow Moon Heartache is probably the most beautiful attack by Sailor Moon from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. This is also my most favorite attack of her too, mainly because of the outstanding moves and gorgeous affects of sparkles and lights. It also consists of a lot of components and the complexity of creation. And this is also the last photo of Sailor Moon Series.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Pink Sugar Heart Attack is an attack by Sailor Chibi Moon from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. This attack somtimes creates a dilemma for her because it dosen't work, creating some funny moments too. Pink is her color because she is just cute like that. It is also the previous attack before she changed it into Twinkle Yell, which co exists with Sailor Moon's Gorgeous Meditation

Monday, January 30, 2012


Love And Beauty Shock is the third attack by Sailor Venus, the God of Love and Beauty in the comics and anime Sailor Moon. The heart is her symbol, the reason that it is yellow is because it is created by the light. One thing that I like is the hear chain around me. Her previous attacks were Love Chain and Crescent Beam.
Also, check out the Valentine Version here =] 

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Oak Evolution is the third attack by Sailor Jupiter from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. She is the God of Thunder and Plant, and the color green is her color code. Green is my favorite color as well =]. In her previous attacks she used thunder, but in this one she use plants. Her 2 previous attacks were Sparkling Pressure and Supreme Thunder.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Aqua Rhapsody is the third attack of Sailor Mercury, the God of Water and Knowledge in the comics and anime Sailor Moon. As you know water seems to be a week element but don't underestimate its real strength. In this case, Mercury also turns water into a melody. Her previous attacks are Shine Aqua and Shabon Spray.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Flame Sniper is the official opening photo of my Sailor Moon Series No.3. This is the strongest attack of Sailor Mars, the God of Fire and War from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. Since she's the God of War, the arrow is her essential weapon. In Western Zodiac, planet Mars is the ruler of Aries. Her previous attacks were Burning Mandala and Fire Soul.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


This photo was inspired from the music video of Luciana ~ I Like That. I like how the random paint splashed onto the background and drip down in streaks. It is like free fall, you throw yourself in life and see where you are gonna land. It's not a pretty thought but you know it's very adventurous after all, and that's the fun of it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This photo was inspired by the song and music video of Demi Lovato ~ Sky Scraper. I really love this song, it hits my heart everytime I hear it. In life, there are times that we have to fall, but there is no other option but to get up and keep walking.Like a sky scraper, don't ever let anything or anybody bring you down or hold you back, stand up and be strong, because there is always tomorrow.


It is easy to be distracted and pulled in different directions by external factors when we are constantly surrounded by society. To find and...