Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Descending Dragon Bay is a very beautiful place in my country, Vietnam. It is also in the contest of the new World's Wonder. In the folk tale, this place was where a dragon flying down from the sky. The place has many huge rocks in different shape and figures, it is a very attractive sight from tourists. You can also sail boat around the rocks, and walk into the caves with colorful lights.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


One night I went to the beach at 12 o'clock mid night, and I saw the red moon rising from the horizon. My first thought was how strangely beautiful it was. The red moonlight cast the eerie red light down to me like I was covered in blood. In life, everytime I get hurt, I see and feel red. Red is my heart, red is my blood, red is flesh, red is my soul, red is what you've done to me. This photo was inspired by a game name The Black Heart and its theme music Red.. This is also my most favorite Halloween photo of this year, and Happy Halloween everybody >:).

Saturday, October 22, 2011


My first photo of Halloween this year! :). I actually have done this picture a long time ago but I waited till now because it kind of has the feels of Halloween. I love the moon, and the blue color of this, makes it look soft and somewhat mysterious. I also like the crosses. More Hallowed photos coming. =]

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I saw a really mystical Pegasus when I was walking near the jungle one night, he was cute. I don't know why but I love white animals, they are pure and look sweet. What I like about this photo is the purple evening with the big moon in the back, looks really romantic. I have heard somewhere that Pegasus appears in children dream, it is the symbol of dream and purity. Sometimes I also mistake it with a Unicorn. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This photo was inspired by Lady Gaga~ The Edge Of Glory song. I made this before the music video came out, and the video was not as the way I expected it. But it's still a good son, honestly probably it's my most favorite song from her album. Not a fan of her but her songs talk about unique stuffs. And also this photo is another photo that I dedicate to the pride Month.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I like white animals, especially the wild ones. I always want to own a white wolf as a pet, or a white tiger. Wolf is such a mysterious animal, especially full moon nights. I don't believe in werewolf, but I like the relationship between the wolves and the moon. Well, this picture didn't come out as my expectation, but I enjoyed working on it. =]

Friday, May 20, 2011


Red moon, bloody moon, dead moon, were all I think about when I look at this photo. One of the symbols of this moon is death, pain and agony. One time I went to the beach at night and watched the moon rise, and when the moon came up from the horizon, it was really red, and I thought it was Mars. But then I learned the red color of the moon is caused by the pollution of the earth.

Friday, May 13, 2011


 Moonlight Destiny was made a very long time ago, but it's finally published. This photo was out the same time with Moonlight Legend and Moon Revenge, it was also inspired by a song name Moonlight Destiny in the anime Sailor Moon. The reason it took too long to publish this photo because i think it was not impressive and I was sucked into other more impressive projects.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Judas' Cannibal was first inspired by the song of Ke$ha ~ Cannibal, then through the whole process it added a few touch of the cover by Lady Gaga ~ Judas. It;s a weird combination but somewhat elated. I love the blood stained wings and the hands in the back. And honestly I;m not a fan of Judas...but for cannibal, it's time for some meat, RAWR!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Moonlight Legend was inspired from a song called Moonlight Legend in the anime Sailor Moon. This is the first time that I use a new photo technique, I had lots of fun creating this piece. I personally think that the pink moon was kind of feminine but you rarely see pink moon so I guess it's kewl to put it there (Lol)

Monday, February 28, 2011


Moon Revenge was inspired by a theme song from anime Sailor Moon, also called Moon Revenge. Honestly the word I like from the title is "Revenge", a dark and strong effort word. It's not that i want to revenge, but the word makes me think of something dark, not necessary mean doing something that someone did to me, because life is too short. The thing I'm holding on is Sailor Saturn's Silence Glaive, it looks sweet.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It seems to me that I suit the darkness and depressing scene better then bright and happy ones. The original name of this photo was Tree Shadow, but then I had to changed it to Deep Impair, sounds kinda lame, but that's how my feeling was when I publish this picture. The dead trees were not supposed to be there but I'm that that they are now. Sometimes people don't understand you and make you want to turn your back on the only source of light. But hey you got your back! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 This was a random photo that popped out from nowhere. What really makes me giggle is my bat wings kind of look like elephant ears! (lol). But I really like the beautiful blue night and the crescent moon and it's little twin.  The tree in the back, dead, cold, stunning, is the symbol for this photo, plus the expression on my face, you can come up with a bunch of names for this picture (lol).

Friday, October 15, 2010


Moonlight Hallow gave me so much trouble, it took me days and hours to accomplish. Not to mention the lightning and props but the way how I express myself. It is quite a new experience for me because now I am able to fuse everything together in one. I feel a little bit more proud of myself.This is also a good picture for Halloween! Also this piece was inspired by a gay artist name Ari Gold.


It is easy to be distracted and pulled in different directions by external factors when we are constantly surrounded by society. To find and...