Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2011


One night I went to the beach at 12 o'clock mid night, and I saw the red moon rising from the horizon. My first thought was how strangely beautiful it was. The red moonlight cast the eerie red light down to me like I was covered in blood. In life, everytime I get hurt, I see and feel red. Red is my heart, red is my blood, red is flesh, red is my soul, red is what you've done to me. This photo was inspired by a game name The Black Heart and its theme music Red.. This is also my most favorite Halloween photo of this year, and Happy Halloween everybody >:).

Saturday, October 22, 2011


My first photo of Halloween this year! :). I actually have done this picture a long time ago but I waited till now because it kind of has the feels of Halloween. I love the moon, and the blue color of this, makes it look soft and somewhat mysterious. I also like the crosses. More Hallowed photos coming. =]

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Spacesword Blaster is the second attack of Sailor Uranus, the God of Sky and Speed from the manga and anime Sailor Moon. Her previous attack was World Shaking, and this one is stronger than that one since she transforms in to second transformation. The attack was performed with her talisman Spacesword, which is what I'm holding in my hand.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I wanted to try out something different that I haven't done before so this was it :D. In this photo i was inspired by lots of things, from animation as well as my own self. I considered myself as multi-personality, I have many sides of me, you can imagine (lol). As you can see, I got sarcasm in here. This photo was giving me a lot of troubles, and maybe some controversies in the future, but I hope not.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


What would you do if you have to face a gate and not knowing what's behind it? I assume you would look at what's on the gate, above it, and to the two side of it to guess what's behind it. In life, we have to face many gates, some are traps some are chances, if you're daring enough, you'll probably open all the gates. But be cautious, since nothing is absolutely safe. Best way is through your experiences in life.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This photo was inspired by Lady Gaga~ The Edge Of Glory song. I made this before the music video came out, and the video was not as the way I expected it. But it's still a good son, honestly probably it's my most favorite song from her album. Not a fan of her but her songs talk about unique stuffs. And also this photo is another photo that I dedicate to the pride Month.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


By request (lol0, I've been done many dark photos lately, sometimes people say I look scary, so they want something bright, though I prefer darkness since I look better with it. Anyways, this angelic photo is inspired by a song of Kylie Minogue ~ Looking For An Angel, also by Jessica Simpson ~ Angel music video, a song by Leona Lewis ~ Angel, by Natasha Bedingfield ~ Angel, and other songs with the word "Angel" in the titles that I know of. =}

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Happy Valentine to everyone! To all you single, double or triple :). Valentine is not only for romantic relationships, but also for friends and families love. The God of Valentine is Cupid, and what I'm holding is his Love Arrow. One of the symbols for Valentine is roses. Red roses stand for fired, romantic love, white roses stand for pure, innocent love. I got red, and white, and a pink sky. The look of the pillars give the picture a paradise look, like a rose paradise.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Twinkle Yell is a phrase that Sailor Chibi Moon shouts out after praying to summon Pegasus in battle in the manga comics and anime Sailor Moon. This action also followed by Sailor Moon's Moon Gorgeous Meditation. She is also Sailor Moon's future daughter. She uses the Crystal Carillon to perform the calling but I think it's way too feminine for a guy like me to hold (lol). The golden light in the back is Pegasus's light everytime he appears and the light comes from the Golden Crystal on his head.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


World Shaking is an attack by Sailor Uranus in the maga comics and anime Sailor Moon. In mythology, Uranus is God of Sky and Speed, he also rules Aquarius, the Water Bearer, and that is also my Zodiac sign, which means my birthday is near. What I love about this picture? The awesome dragon wings, make me feel powerful (lol). I also like the shining star, supposed to be a planet in Uranus's attack, but oh well, it's awesome too.

Friday, October 15, 2010


This is by far, my most favorite photo! I've done the shot numerous time and finally archived the maximum quality for it. I was really really inspired by the wings from Victoria Secret Fashion Show. I fell in love qith wings. Also at this point of time I felt pure and innocent. This photo was also the most successful work so far. It attracted not only myself but lots of other people.


It is easy to be distracted and pulled in different directions by external factors when we are constantly surrounded by society. To find and...