Sunday, August 26, 2012


You never know the real strength of a person when they hit the weakest point! And you also never know the real strength of a person if you don't spare the time to let them be who they are and show their real strength. Ever though a bamboos are empty in the  inside, they are strong and tough on the outside. Just like a bamboo, a person may be weak inside, but they won't let their weaknesses get to the outside, therefore demonstrating themselves as a tough bamboo. In life, in order to be strong like a bamboo, you have to accept your weakness and fears. you have to be true to who you are. There are time you break, but like a bamboo, grow your strength like new young bamboos shooting up from the ground, and you'll be strong.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Gargoyles were derived from France, they were used in French architecture and also become very popular today in many outdoor decoration, especially garden. Gargoyles are symbolized as the guardians of protection,especially against evils and negative matters. The variation of gargoyles become various as each decade started, and of course, I like the one with wings =].

Self Rediscovery

Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...