Friday, June 22, 2012


Everyone of us is born as a star. We all connected like dots and also share only one universe. Each one of us was marked on the sky with our own individuality as the day we were born. Whether we are a courage Aries, or a dependable Taurus, or an exciting Gemini,or a loving Cancer, or a generous Leo, or a dedicated Virgo, or a courteous Libra, or a passionate Scorpio, or an optimistic Sagittarius, or a hard-working Capricorn, or an intellectual Aquarius, or a caring Pisces, we are the same. We are united and help shaped the world with millions of voices and heartbeats. When it is right, we find our ideal match, the other half of our soul, and this is where we begin our real fascinating journey.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 This year, the summer is getting super hot, makes you feel like needles and pins poking your skin. The hot breeze gets me goose bumps when it hits against my face. Because of these needles and pins and goose bumps, people become crazy and impatience when they get stuck in a sticky situation. Violence breaks out easily between us, and we don't have no tolerant for any actions since our minds are already tired from fighting with the heat. But don't let the heat wear you down, my best advice is some Popsicle, they will help =D.

Self Rediscovery

Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...