Happy New Year everybody, I hope the new year will bring us
better things in life or better yet, the best of the best. This is the time
that we look back to the previous year to see the progress of our life, what
has been lost, what has been gained, and what have we changed. We also thank
for all the possibilities that have been given to us and make the best out of
them for the upcoming year. This is also the time for opening up another
chapter and look ahead to the future as we walk down the timeline of our
history. It’s new year, new hope, new goal, new dream, new direction, new attitude, new you,
new moon.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas everybody! This is the season to forgive and open up yourself
to anybody or anything that have been bothering you. Life is too short
to hold grudges against them, so open your heart, you will grow your
wings and find your star and become free. Christmas only comes once a
year, don't hesitate to let out your shine and spread the light of joy. I
hope that everyone of you will find a way to celebrate your holiday, no
matter what kind of situation you are in. I hope that your wish will
come true and do not forget to look at the bright side of the situation
when something bad happen :). Here is a treat for you, it is
perfect for your Christmas morning whether if you are next to your loved
one or not =]. Check out Christmas Relax Instrumental.
Friday, December 21, 2012
rumor of December 21st, 2012 has been viral throughout the world that
people believe in the event of the world ending on this day. It is
interesting to read and watch all kinds of theories and debate on the
absolute of this event plus the oppositions of those theories as well.
The thing is this rumor has been started so early that until now it just
becomes boring and not many people really care about it anymore. For
the life that I've been living, the world could end at least three times
already and yet I am still here. This year I just enjoy my Christmas
and still wake up on December 22nd. Wetter you believe it or not, here's
a 2012 treat for you: watch Britney Spears ~ Till' The World End and
dance all your guts out =].
Thursday, December 20, 2012
At Christmas time, many of you can enjoy the spirits of the holiday, but remember that there are people out there are not as lucky as you are. These people are in need of love, compassion, food, shelters and they loose hope. By doing something simple, you can help them to spread the light of Christmas. Wherever you are, no matter how far, don't forget to share the hope and joy of Christmas. Anyone of us could be anybody's angel, so show your glow and give and joy and hope away =].
Friday, December 14, 2012
At Christmas time, the art of giving can come into many forms, from sharing who you are, your time, your efforts and what you have to others to giving out presents. The art of sharing presents not only shows that you care about someone, but also lets that person know that you were thinking about them. This year I also learn that it is fun to give presents secretly. It is fun because you feel so excited and can not wait till the presents that you buy for someone to be opened. I also learn that because gifts and presents are meaningful, you might have to take the time into the whole process. After all, it dose not have to be stressful, because the spirit of Christmas is about sharing, and the thought is what that counts =].
Sunday, December 9, 2012
like crystal ball, especially the Christmas one with snow flake
floating in it, it is like a small version of a scene that is captured
in a classy crystal ball. Sometimes it can be really relaxing and
fascinating to watch the snow flakes moving across the ball and it is
like magic speaking. Sometimes I just want to live in the world inside
the crystal ball because it is perfect, but at the same time, that
perfect world is not as interesting as the world I live in because
everything is the same and you can not make a difference out of it.
After all, a crystal ball is what you see but not what you get, but
it's still fascinating.
Friday, December 7, 2012
canes embrace the sweetness of Christmas and bring the joy of it to
those who enjoy simple fun things. Christmas lights not only light up
the Christmas spirit, but also add the glamorous scene to the people
eyes. These two things are among the things that I love about Christmas
time. They are just simple things yet made with such details and when
they go together on your Christmas tree, what a tasteful and delighted
treat it's gonna be =].
Sunday, December 2, 2012
can honestly say winter time is probably my most favorite season of the
year. This is when the coldness in the air sweep against your face and
you can feel the rush of refreshing against your skin. I think it's
beautiful when the whiteness of nature spreads every where like a
blanket. Yet it can get too cold sometimes and makes your mind feel
frozen. Sometimes it can get so cold that someone's soul can go numb
without feeling. But at the same time, the coldness could also be the
time when someone retreat to their own world for a stable standing mind.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thanksgiving is the day that we give thanks to everything and anything that we appreciate for. It's the time for family and friend reunion to look up at things that have happened so far and toast for a very good up coming year. The crops of Thanksgiving stand for the seeds and roots of fulfillness of food. Cooking at Thanksgiving is a long time tradition, food stands for life, they help us grow. Thanksgiving's cooking reminds us of how lucky we are to be able to obtain food everyday.
Monday, November 19, 2012
1000 STARS
photo was inspired by the video music of Natalie Bassingthwaighte ~ 1000 Stars. Each one of us is a star, we have our own uniqueness and our
own shine that nobody else can compare to. It is hard to find the light
within on the dark night, but if you search deeply you will find it and
let it shine. Even though we are individuals, but when we come
together, we will be united as one and only one. And we all make up the
entire universe with each of our uniqueness.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
In life, it's not easy to pick up yourself when you fall, it's even harder to rise above the ashes. From the bottom of a rock, to lift it up, it requires lots of strength. To overcome life is not an easy task, to overcome yourself is even harder. At the bottom of what you were stuck at, it takes lots of strength to rise yourself up from the unpleasant past. If you work hard, you will not only get out of the rough bottom but also rise up to the top, where you can find not only happiness, but who you are. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart, but there is only one way, and it's UP! :)
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
spooky Spirit of Halloween is not only besides the living of the dead
but also the dead of the living. It seems like the middle line becomes a
blur when people cross the other side of the world. The two worlds
blending together and makes such a master of art that you can not even
realize which is which. This life is full of unexpected psychological
traps. Once the brains of people go numb and shut down, even on their
feet, they lose their souls and the only thing that they carry around is
their soulless bodies and mindless heads. And sometimes, you might not
know the one who stands next to you could be a zombie or a mummy, or who
knows it could be you!?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
of the fun things on Halloween is pumpkin carving. The tradition of
carving a pumpkin started in Scotland and Ireland where it was
traditionally carved from a turnip, and in England where a beet was
used.The monstrous faces carved on the pumpkin represents the spirits or
souls of the unknown. Like a mask, you see only what is outside, but
not actually what is behind it. The connection between what we see and
what we don't see is a blur, and this represents the unknown world.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
This photo was inspired by the music videos of Jesse J ~ Laserlight and Ellie Goulding ~ Lights.As we know, lights are the main source of vision when you really need to look at something more clearly with more in depth details and meaning. Lights also play an important in expressing colorful emotions, such as the rainbow. The light spectrum branch into many varieties of colors and each color has its own meaning and emotion. Lights are lively, rainbow lights are vibrant, and the dark even makes it more attractive than ever.
Friday, September 21, 2012
In life, sometimes you have to deal with things that give you the irritating feelings which can build up inside you over a period of time. Since everything has limits, including yourself, the final blast of anger can explode like a volcano. It's better to let out your thoughts and emotion whenever needed rather than burden them inside, because it will eat you alive and when you can't stand it anymore, your anger will burst in flame. Of course life is a bitch, but you can turn it into a reason for striving and forthcoming and seeking for meanings. When things get tough, don't let your anger over rules you, turn it into a driving force for success!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
You never know the real strength of a person when they hit the weakest point! And you also never know the real strength of a person if you don't spare the time to let them be who they are and show their real strength. Ever though a bamboos are empty in the inside, they are strong and tough on the outside. Just like a bamboo, a person may be weak inside, but they won't let their weaknesses get to the outside, therefore demonstrating themselves as a tough bamboo. In life, in order to be strong like a bamboo, you have to accept your weakness and fears. you have to be true to who you are. There are time you break, but like a bamboo, grow your strength like new young bamboos shooting up from the ground, and you'll be strong.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Gargoyles were derived from France, they were
used in French architecture and also become very popular today in many
outdoor decoration, especially garden. Gargoyles are symbolized as the
guardians of protection,especially against evils and negative matters.
The variation of gargoyles become various as each decade started, and of
course, I like the one with wings =].
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Pyramids are one of the most fascinating subject which hold many mysteries that we haven't known about. Many pyramidologists have been working on finding out their connection to the world, and the meanings lying inside these thick walls. The truth vs. the myth of pyramids are still an ongoing discussion among the researchers today. According to pyramidology, many theories and scientific hypothesis were created to support many different perspectives of human kind. One interesting I found is, the eye in a pyramid is not the eye of provinces, or the all-seeing eye, comparing to the eye in a triangle, which is the symbol of Illuminati.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Most of the life, life is difficult because of the way the human race make it to be, rather than itself. When people shoot you down, you can't fall, but when you fall, there is no other option but to get up. The only thing that will stop you is yourself, like titanium, you have to be strong and keep walking. At some points, not only that you have to defense yourself but you have to offense the things that knocking you down. And sometimes, it is better to just look at the aspect of life with one eye, so you can keep walking without attractions. This photo was inspired by Sia ~ Titanium, a very inspirational song. The tips of my pointy wings are green because that is my favorite color, and I also think that it's my lucky color =].
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Happy Independent day everybody, on this day, we remember those who fought for or freedom and gave us the opportunities to be ourselves. The fireworks represents the glory and strength of new beginning and the joy of happiness. The symbol of eagle expresses the right of freedom. As humans, we've been giving the greatest gift - freedom and the strength to express ourselves. When you spread your wings and fly, nothing can hold you back, the only thing that stops you is yourself. Life is difficult but not impossible, you have to find the way to free yourself. Thus remember, just because you can be independent doesn't mean that you have to rebellious, so don't abuse the things you've been given, but embrace them the right way.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
This compilation consists of the year round seasonal photos that I've produced in the past =]
Budding Spring
Warmer Summer
Triumph Autumn
Polar Winter
Budding Spring
Warmer Summer
Triumph Autumn
Polar Winter
Friday, June 22, 2012
of us is born as a star. We all connected like dots and also share only
one universe. Each one of us was marked on the sky with our own
individuality as the day we were born. Whether we are a courage Aries,
or a dependable Taurus, or an exciting Gemini,or a loving Cancer, or a
generous Leo, or a dedicated Virgo, or a courteous Libra, or a passionate
Scorpio, or an optimistic Sagittarius, or a hard-working Capricorn, or
an intellectual Aquarius, or a caring Pisces, we are the same. We are
united and help shaped the world with millions of voices and heartbeats.
When it is right, we find our ideal match, the other half of our soul,
and this is where we begin our real fascinating journey.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
This year, the summer is getting super hot, makes you feel like needles and pins poking your skin. The hot breeze gets me goose bumps when it hits against my face. Because of these needles and pins and goose bumps, people become crazy and impatience when they get stuck in a sticky situation. Violence breaks out easily between us, and we don't have no tolerant for any actions since our minds are already tired from fighting with the heat. But don't let the heat wear you down, my best advice is some Popsicle, they will help =D.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
I think I'm more attracted to the moon than the sun, it's mysterious, sometimes ghost. The moon plays an important role to the Earth's tide. Everytime the full moon is close to Earth, it rises the water level such as ocean and lakes. People believe that the moon control wolfes, some said that it also controls human mood, especially full moon. If you have a chance to go to rural areas far away from the city lights, you can see how bright the moon light could be. It's super romantic to watch the moon on a balcony at night (lol).
Saturday, May 12, 2012
In life, in order to overcome your fear you
have to face it! You c turn it from something scary into something
pleasureful and easy to tackle with. Sometimes it might not s bad s you
think. The more you face it the better you'll win it. I think that
sometimes you have to walk with your eyes close and just keep walking
until you reach your destination. By the way I love white animal,
especially white fierce tigers, if you know how to train them well you
won't have to be feared bout them.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sometimes it's hard to deal with our life that
the deepest part of our inside is firing like the core of the galaxy.
It's boiling and ready to shoot out at anything and anybody that
standing on our way. As human it's not easy to hide your feeling and if
you don't find a way to let them out, you'll explode like a volcano.
It's better to say what you want to say and say how you feel, directly
at the source of your irritation. Say it out loud.
Monday, April 16, 2012
I like spikes and things with that kind of shape because they look fierce, keen and sharp. I also like dark night photos because they look mysterious. I just feel attracted to these elements and I don't think that they are that dangerous (lol). Purple is also a very mysterious color that is undefined in the vast infinity of the universe. It consists the power of mystified darkness that contains fascinating lights inside.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
An inspiration from my Physic class. Plasma is the fourth state of matter beside solid, liquid and gas. In order for it to occur, very high temperature has to be created. I think it is the coolest state of matter because it is very interesting and somewhat exotically mysterious. Your body also contain plasma, for example, the electricity concurrent running throughout the entire of your body, or your blood plasma.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Zero Gravity was inspired by the music video of Kerli ~ Zero Gravity. There are times in life that we have to let go of the things that pull us down and leave behind all the worries and fears in order to progress to the future. It is nice grow wings and able to fly away or escape this reality, but the reason we don't have wings like birds because we don't have faith like they do. But sometimes we feel weightless when we find something or someone that free us from all these weights and it is not easy to do so.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I love plant and the lives of them. I also go crazy for the color green, the color of nature and soothing feeling rush over me when I stare and it. I love to surround myself with Mother Nature. I feel so relax and and at peace. I also think that is is another way to escape this reality world, drown myself into the greenery and forget about what's going on.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Lately I've been very into aquarium and things related to that. It is very relaxing to be in one, I always wonder how it feels like to jump into an aquarium and swim along the fish and coral and other pretty things. I'm sure it will be very relaxing and soothing in that kind of mystical and magical world, especially an underwater world!
Monday, March 5, 2012
I'm sure a lot of us at least once imagine that we have the power to control the whole world, or at least just to feel how it's like. The universe is a mysterious and vast place out there, where all the possible and impossible matters could arrive. I think it's cool how we are just a small part of it, and there are so many things to explore!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I just realize how attractive the red color is. It is not my favorite color but it is really catchy in some kind of way that I can't explain. Velvet sky is beautiful, looking mighty and graceful soaring across the open air.This photo was originally made for a friend of mien and she is one of my inspirations. I think it will be cool that we both have the same photo, and yeah, different color (lol).
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Descending Dragon Bay is a very beautiful place in my country, Vietnam. It is also in the contest of the new World's Wonder. In the folk tale, this place was where a dragon flying down from the sky. The place has many huge rocks in different shape and figures, it is a very attractive sight from tourists. You can also sail boat around the rocks, and walk into the caves with colorful lights.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!! This is the day to show love not only to your lover but to all of your loved ones, including family and relatives as well. One of the symbolic colors of Valentine's Day is red, the color of passion. The symbolic flower for this loving day is red rose, which represents deep romance. Chocolate is also another thing to give, it shows sweetness and caring. And I wish you lots of love, no matter if you're single, couple or triple out there. =]
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Rainbow Moon Heartache is probably the most beautiful attack by Sailor Moon from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. This is also my most favorite attack of her too, mainly because of the outstanding moves and gorgeous affects of sparkles and lights. It also consists of a lot of components and the complexity of creation. And this is also the last photo of Sailor Moon Series.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Pink Sugar Heart Attack is an attack by Sailor Chibi Moon from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. This attack somtimes creates a dilemma for her because it dosen't work, creating some funny moments too. Pink is her color because she is just cute like that. It is also the previous attack before she changed it into Twinkle Yell, which co exists with Sailor Moon's Gorgeous Meditation
Monday, January 30, 2012
Love And Beauty Shock is the third attack by Sailor Venus, the God of Love and Beauty in the comics and anime Sailor Moon. The heart is her symbol, the reason that it is yellow is because it is created by the light. One thing that I like is the hear chain around me. Her previous attacks were Love Chain and Crescent Beam.
Also, check out the Valentine Version here =]
Also, check out the Valentine Version here =]
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Oak Evolution is the third attack by Sailor Jupiter from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. She is the God of Thunder and Plant, and the color green is her color code. Green is my favorite color as well =]. In her previous attacks she used thunder, but in this one she use plants. Her 2 previous attacks were Sparkling Pressure and Supreme Thunder.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Aqua Rhapsody is the third attack of Sailor Mercury, the God of Water and Knowledge in the comics and anime Sailor Moon. As you know water seems to be a week element but don't underestimate its real strength. In this case, Mercury also turns water into a melody. Her previous attacks are Shine Aqua and Shabon Spray.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Flame Sniper is the official opening photo of my Sailor Moon Series No.3. This is the strongest attack of Sailor Mars, the God of Fire and War from the comics and anime Sailor Moon. Since she's the God of War, the arrow is her essential weapon. In Western Zodiac, planet Mars is the ruler of Aries. Her previous attacks were Burning Mandala and Fire Soul.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
This photo was inspired from the music video of Luciana ~ I Like That. I like how the random paint splashed onto the background and drip down in streaks. It is like free fall, you throw yourself in life and see where you are gonna land. It's not a pretty thought but you know it's very adventurous after all, and that's the fun of it.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
This photo was inspired by the song and music video of Demi Lovato ~ Sky Scraper. I really love this song, it hits my heart everytime I hear it. In life, there are times that we have to fall, but there is no other option but to get up and keep walking.Like a sky scraper, don't ever let anything or anybody bring you down or hold you back, stand up and be strong, because there is always tomorrow.
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Self Rediscovery
Through all the ups and downs, we try to find what makes us happy make mistakes along the way. But at the end of the day, we just do the bes...

Shabon Spray is one of my favorite works recently. This is the first attack of Sailor Mercury in the manga comics and anime Sailor Moon ...
Flame Sniper is the official opening photo of my Sailor Moon Series No.3. This is the strongest attack of Sailor Mars , the God of Fire a...
Sparkling Wide Pressure is the second attack of Sailor Jupiter , the God of Thunder and Plant from the manga and anime Sailor Moon . Her...